30 Hip  Strengthen and Stretch 

(Not suitable for pregnancy)

Once a month I'm going to be posting a class of the month for us all to do together and discuss.

And the great news is that you don't need to be a member of the community to join in. The class will be available to everyone for the month.

All I ask is that if you do the class that you let me know, and share with any friends who may also enjoy it.  
It makes such a difference to me when people email or message to say they've done one of the classes.
I look forward to hearing from you! 



This months yoga along is a 30 minute class of

Hip Stretch and Strengthen

Book in 30 mins into your schedule, unroll your mat and then just have half an hour when you don't have to think about anything other than being in the moment.

Pure bliss! And you KNOW you'll feel better for doing it, so get it in your diary right now.
The class will be available all month BUT you are so so much more likely to do it if you don't put it off.

This is available to everyone so even if you're not a community member you can join in. If you are a community member why not share it with the friends you know have been dying to try yoga.